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My Fly Box

This is my fly box. The very box that I carry in my chestpack when I go fishing on the Danish coast. It's a hand made Schweitzer mahogany box, if you're interested - the most stylish type of fly box I have ever owned.

Fishing in the North East

The International Fly Tyers Symposium brought me to The North East corner of USA, and I had the chance to fish a couple of days with some of the other international and local tyers and fishermen.

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We at GFF will strive to protect your privacy on the net. We do not register your presence here in any way other than by the use of weblogs generated by our server. Simply put, we do not know who you are, we just know a lot about your visit patterns with us.

GFF speaks

Contact us about speaking at your next outing, meeting or event. We utilize state-of-the art imaging technology to present multi-media and animated slideshows covering a wide-range of topics. When presenting flytying, we tailor the discussion to the group's interest and actively involve everyone.

Furled leaders DIY

The following description on how to make your own twined leaders was given to me by Henk Verhaar from Holland. Henks description fascinated me so much, that I made the first set of three leaders already the first night after having recieved the description.

Knots for the fly fisherman

The discussion of knots seems endless. We probably never will know exactly which knot is the best, and the ultimate knot has not yet been tied. We list the following knots in a knot table and show how to tie them one by one -- with a little comment attached.

Thread control

If you ever saw skilled tyers tie, you'll probably have noticed that many of them keep spinning the bobinholder more or less vividly every time the let go of it. If you didn't notice, try looking the next time you see a 'pro' tie.

Good floss work

I've developed a habit instilled in me by my salmonfly tying mentors. When evaluating the salmon fly dressings of others, I look at the floss work first. It is a key characteristic that determines and shows the skills of the cream of the crop.

Whip fisnish with your hands

Whip finishing without a tool is not at all difficult. Lots of people use and praise the whip finishing tool which comes in many variations.

Trust me, Mon!

How would you like a story that features blue sky, clear water, bonefish galore - not to mention The Mother of all hangovers and the greatest fishing spot on the face of this earth? Well, you get it all here in Paul Slaney's fantastic three piece story from the Bahamas. Trust me, Mon!


On horseback into the pristine areas of Yeallowstone in pursuit for cutthroats. Read Hamilton Brocious' fantastic story from a wilderness fishing camp with ready access to wild native cutthroat trout. So isolated that you won't see any other fishing groups during your whole stay.

The High Sierras

Join webmaster Martin Joergensen on a hectic trip through the Northern California fishing for stocked, wild and native trout with his friend Rich Lobrowich

Fly fishing leaders and tippets

Leaders fall in several categories. These all serve the same purpose: transmitting the energy fra the fly line to the fly in a gentle, yet firm way. The different types each have their advantages and disadvantages, and selecting one is often a question of compromises.

Turbo Block

Siman Ltd. has taken the Turbo dubbing twister a step further with this tool, which enables you to easily make your own dubbing brushes - stiff or soft and from almost any dubbing material.

Salt Water Caddis

A muddler pattern

Monster Muddler

A large muddler for pike

Tying a muddler

The most important step in preparation is getting the right kind of hair. Buy your hair at a reliable source. Good spinning hair patches are dense and have little underfur. The single natural hair should be dull and light at the base, slightly waved at the root, and have a short tapered tan/black tip section.


A few muddlers as inspiration

Beginner's Guide to Flytying

European authors Chris Mann and Terry Griffiths angle for a new spin on beginner flytying books. With barely a photograph and just a small piece on materials and tools, see why this book gets a rare score on the GFF Review scale. GFF partner Steve Schweitzer reviews the book.

Rod building

Tom Kirkman's book "Rod Building Guide" is a cover-to-cover brain dump of the author's experience building all manner of fishing rods. He doesn't tell the reader as much how to do things, as he does why, and almost as importantly, why not.

Distant Waters

You'll be enchanted and tempted by R.Valentine Atkinson's book with pictures of fly fishing destinations all over the world and thrilled and entertained by the accompanying texts written by the greatest contemporary writers. Read the full review here.

St. Croix Legend Ultra

St. Croix has long been known for superior spin-fishing rods... until know. Read the review here.

Loch Dhu Salmon

A pattern for salmon in the summer dusk. A salmon fly inspired by the Scottish pattern named after the lake Loch Dhu

Dalby Revenger

This was one of the first flies I tied with a rabbit skin I got dyed with picric acid. The innovations found in this pattern are limited - to put it mildly - not much new under the sun here. The color is also far from any color found in food items digested by sea trout.

The Orange Silver

A fly which is just a piece of imagination created one evenning in march. I have been fooling around with a plain type of steelhead or salmon flies this last year. These are all signified by simple feather wings and the use of classic materials like floss, tinsel and plain feathers

The Rocket

During a recent gettogether with some Danish flyfishers I hauled out some of my cod flies. One of them was this one - The Rocket. They were quite excited about the fly - first of all because it's a light tube fly, second because it's very durable. They saw in it not only the cod fly that I had made, but also a pike fly, a fly for pike perch and a universal fly for all kinds of deep fishing for larger fish.

Harry Boyd

GFF's own bamboo rod expert and maker of these beautiful rods. Best known for his extremely popular series on making your own bamboo rods.

Peter Frailey

Pete Frailey lives with his wife and three teenage children in Carlisle, Massachusetts, some 30 miles west of Boston.

Jean-Marc Klees

Interests focus on: Firearms, Horses, Literature, Magazines, Scuba Diving, Whitewater Canoeing. I'm definitely a fan of Ernest Hemingway and Zane Grey, not to forget the Whiskies of the World!

Muddler mania - Small Polar Muddler

A small muddler

Muddler mania - Full Metal Jacket Nutria Muddler

A conehead muddler/zonker

Lee Wulff

Lee Wulff was a quintessential fly-fisherman. From earliest childhood growing up in Alaska, Lee and the outdoors were two intertwined threads in the pattern of a long and accomplished life.

Tying Flies the Paraloop Way

Dig out your gallows tools, you're gonna need it after you read this book. My first thought was probably the same as yours - what is "paraloop"?
Date Title Body Image

The Bumble Bee

This pattern was originally made one evening when I was tying with some friends. My friend Henning had some light SLF left over from one of his flies. I scavenged the SLF and started a fly on a heavy Tiemco hook. The tail was casually made from some natural bucktail that I had brought.

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Material contributed to GFF is copyrighted personally and guaranteed for personal copyright. The contributor retains a personal copyright on his works, illustrations and photographs. GFF is allowed unrestricted non-profit use of the contribution in site promotion for the betterment and growth of the site. GFF owns the look, feel and navigation elements of the contribution.

Advertising policy

The Global FlyFisher is fully non-commercial and does not sell or exchange advertising space.

The Bottle Cleaner

This is an old favorite. Good under almost all conditions and with a lot of trout in its history.

The Black Frede

The Grey Frede is a surefire pattern for sea trout. It's a very versatile and robust fly that has become very popular. I decided to tie a darker version of the same fly.

Bunny Leech

This is a steelhead pattern, normally made with black or purple rabbit. But with natural rabbit it makes a very good pattern for the coast. By cutting a narrower strip of rabbit and choosing natural colors a lighter dressing is achieved. Good for spring fishing and fishing in current like over reefs.

Crazy Dane

Anybody can see that the Crazy Dane is really a Crazy Charlie - a very common salt water fly from the U.S. This type of fly is rarely seen in our part of the world, and I know no other fishers that use it.

The Fair Fly

This fly is a larger and more imitative variation of the Squirrel Zonker. The addition of the eyes and the heavy hair hackle makes the fly more fishlike and the Fair Fly is a good imitation of a sculpin.

Christmas Tree

Again a 'classic' Danish fly. Actually only uses one significant material: a piece of mylar tubing. Body can be covered with yarn or floss to add color. A really good fly for cold or unclear water. Fish deep and slow in the winter.


Even though the pattern was inspired by a technique showed to me by Davy Wotton, it's not named after him, but after my little brother David. The material is rabbit fur in tufts, tied in on top and under the hook shank.

Morrisfoam Diver

"My, what an ugly fly!" Henning glances with disgust at the brightly colored foam fly shining from the hook rest on my 5 wt. Learn more about the Morrisfoam Diver for sea trout.

Grey Frede

I had the distinct pleasure of meeting the Danish shoreline fly fisher Peter Loevendahl, who is a discrete man. He goes around quietly in his native western Seeland and catches fish. A lot of fish.

Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies

Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies by Paul Marriner should not be viewed as simply a book.

A Black Fly

I've had little experience fishing with this fly which is quite recent in my collection. It has all the characteristics of a good night fly, it's fast and easy to tie and durable too. It should be a fly worth having in you box.

An experiment

What else would you expect to find in a lab...? This fly is one of the many that I seem to crank out at random. Most of them end up as garbage and never even find their way into my fly boxes, but this one had something. Just a little something.

Sand eel/lance

The sand eel or lance - called the tobis in Danish - is one of the most common fish on the Dansih coasts, and is an important part of the diet of especially larger sea trout and cod for that matter. Because of that it is an interesting fish to imitate.

Henning's Snot

This fly was originally developed by Henning Eskol, a member of the Bananaflies - my fly tying guild.

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The GFF money box

… I have a small favor to ask.

Long story short

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Long story longer

The Global FlyFisher has been online since the mid-90's and has been free to access for everybody since day one – and will stay free for as long as I run it.
But that doesn't mean that it's free to run.
It costs money to drive a large site like this.
See more details about what you can do to help in this blog post.

The Global FlyFisher was updated to a new publishing system early March 2025, and there may still be a few glitches while the last bits get fixed. If you meet anything that doesn't work, please let me know.
Martin -