A simple clinging mayfly nymph
Nick Thomas
- Run on the thread, take it down to the bend and remove the tag end.
- Catch in three pheasant tail fibres, bind down up the shank and trim off the waste.
- Build a smoothly tapered abdomen with thread wraps, whip finish and remove the thread.
- Add the gills with clove hitched lengths of floss.
- Secure the knots with a little superglue applied with the point of a toothpick.
- Trim the ends of the floss leaving about an inch so that they can be pulled back out of the way when working on the thorax.
- Cut a 3mm piece from a toothpick by rolling it back and forward under a craft knife.
- Tie in at the hook eye with figure of eight wraps and secure with superglue.
- Dub a tapered thorax behind the toothpick.
- Strip the base of a partridge feather and tie in by the tip against the toothpick.
- Add more turns of dubbing working back to the abdomen.
- Fold the feather back, tie in and remove the waste end.
- Tie in a length of organza ribbon under the hook at the back of the thorax.
- Fold the organza over the hook eye and toothpick using a needle to open the ribbon fibres to fit over the eye.
- Tie in the ribbon at the rear of the thorax and trim off the waste.
- Tidy up with thread wraps, whip finish and remove the thread.
- Trim the floss ends to form the gills.
- Pick up the craft gems with a tapered piece of Blu tac and glue in place on top of the thorax.
- Coat the thorax with UV-resin, set the resin and seal with a thin coat of varnish.
brown trout
Hook | Fasna F-210 #12/14 |
Thread | Sheer 14/0 brown |
Tail | Pheasant tail fibres |
Gills | Clove hitched DMC S712 satin floss |
Legs | Partridge feather |
Body | Toothpick section and 3mm brown organza ribbon |
Eyes | Black plastic craft gems |
Finish | Clear UV resin and varnish |